

✅  Online Violence: The New Front Line for Women Journalists

ℹ  There is a new front line in journalism safety – it is where female journalists sit at the epicentre of risk. The digital, psychological and physical safety threats confronting women in journalism are overlapping, converging and inseparable. Where and when they intersect, they can be terrifying – they are also potentially deadly. 

🗞  MEDIUM |20200924

✅  How we changed our pandemic coverage thanks to our audience

ℹ  With the pandemic, community members took the lead: sending us questions to which we didn’t always have answers. That forced us to do what we do best: reporting.


✅  The Missing Perspectives of Women in COVID-19 News

ℹ  The absence of women’s perspectives in COVID-19-related news coverage means that women have limited influence over the framing of the crisis in the news and consequently, limited influence over policy decisions. As a result, women are at ever-greater risk of being further marginalized amid the most significant global health crisis of our lifetimes.

🗞  POLITICO|20200926

✅  Why the right wing has a massive advantage on Facebook

ℹ  Throughout 2020, Democrats have denounced Facebook with growing ferocity as a “right wing echo chamber” with a “conservative bias” that’s giving an edge to Donald Trump in November.

🗞  MEDIUM|20200928

✅  How Civil Society Can Combat Misinformation and Hate Speech Without Making It Worse

ℹ  Humor over rumor is a community strategy employed by the digital ministry of Taiwan to respond to misinformation quickly and memorably. For example, at the beginning of the pandemic, a rumor began to spread on social media that toilet paper was made of the same material as masks. Anticipating a run on toilet paper, the digital ministry kicked into gear and created some funny memes dispelling the rumor and showing that the original misinformation came from the producers of toilet paper.

🗞  Harvard Business Review|20200930

✅  Breaking Up Facebook Won’t Fix Social Media

ℹ  One idea I discuss at length in the book is whether breaking up Facebook will fix the social media morass. Antitrust regulators are certainly eager to dismantle the world’s largest social network. Their argument for doing so cites a litany of real harms, including the erosion of privacy, the spread of misinformation and hate speech, the acceleration of political polarization, and threats to the integrity of elections.
