
2021 年 01 月 08 日 | 媒大事


????  SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST 香港《南華早報》|20201228

✅  China’s podcasters wary of censors as popularity grows  


Chinese podcasters cover a range of niche topics, from hi-fi sound systems to user interface design.

‘No one is making podcasts for the mainstream audience. Everyone just does what they’re interested in,’ one producer says.

????  WASHINGTON POST 美國《華盛頓郵報》|20210104

✅  USPS delays are threatening small-town newspapers. So is a postage price increase.


Historic volumes of packages have gummed up the Postal Service, and community newspapers are getting caught in the mail backlog.

????  TECHCRUNCH 美國知名科技媒體《TechCrunch》|20210105

✅  Twitter acquires social podcasting app Breaker, team to help build Twitter Spaces

推特收購社群 Podcast 應用軟體「Breaker」 共同協助打造即時語音社群功能「推特空間」

The app had launched at a time when podcasts were still very much thought of as audio feeds and podcast apps as productivity tools — not experiences around which a community could be built. Breaker helped to change that perception by offering an app where users could like and comment on episodes, discover new podcasts by following friends, share favorite shows to social media and much more.

????  HUFFPOST 美國《哈芬登郵報》|20210105

✅  Newspapers And TV Stations Got Special Access To PPP* Loans. Digital Media Didn’t.


Republicans blocked language that would have broadened access to COVID-19 relief to web-only news outlets.

*編註:《薪資保護計劃》(PPP,Paycheck Protection Program),是美國聯邦政府為因應 COVID-19 疫情影響,針對中小型企業所提出的紓困方案。

????  POYNTER 美國非營利媒體研究機構《波因特學院》|20210106

✅  Why it’s so difficult for journalists to get inside hospitals to document COVID-19 cases

為什麼新聞工作者深入醫院記錄 COVID-19 病例是如此困難?

The Trump administration issued guidelines on May 5 that made it almost impossible for hospitals to grant access to journalists.

????  Financial Times 《金融時報》(日經 100%控股、總部在英倫)|20210106

✅  The BBC, Fleet Street and the future of journalism 


Precarious finances loom large in two books that chart the battles over public broadcasting and fake news.

*編註:艦隊街,又名弗利特街,往昔有英國媒體總部之稱,第一份英國日報《每日新聞》(Daily Courant),於 1702 年 3 月 11 日在這條街上誕生。2016 年 8 月 5 日,最後一家媒體蘇格蘭週報《週日郵報》關掉倫敦辦公室後,報業街正式走入歷史。但是 300 年來報業興盛,在網際網路尚未風行前的全盛時期媒體雲集此街,使得時至今日艦隊街依舊是英國報業的代名詞。
