
2021 年 02 月 26 日 | 媒大事


????  THE NEW YORK TIMES 《紐約時報》|20210219

✅  5 Reader Comments Just Cost a News Website $124,000

讀者留言罵司法 《當今大馬》遭判有罪:5 則留言挨罰美金 12.4 萬元*

A panel of judges found the online outlet, Malaysiakini, guilty of contempt of court for the comments about Malaysia’s judiciary.

*本藐視法庭罪之判決金額為 50 萬令吉(MYR),約合美金 12.4 萬元,或新台幣 350 萬元。

????  SOCIAL MEDIA TODAY|20210219

✅  LinkedIn’s Developing a New Freelance Marketplace Platform to Facilitate New Opportunities


That could open up a range of new opportunities. One of the elements of the rising WFH shift is that businesses can now employ people from anywhere, they’re no longer restricted by locality. And if geography isn’t a limitation, then you can choose from a much broader pool of freelance talent, which could see more businesses looking to contract workers for more purposes.

????  THE NEW YORK TIMES 《紐約時報》|20210221

✅  How Investigative Journalism Flourished in Hostile Russia


A new wave of news outlets has used conventional, and unconventional, methods to pierce the veil of Putin’s power.

????  REUTERS 《路透社》|20210223

✅  Alphabet in talks with Spanish publishers to bring Google News back, sources say

谷歌新聞重回西班牙?消息指出:Google 母公司「Alphabet」正與西班牙出版業者協商

Alphabet’s Google is negotiating individual licensing deals with a divided Spanish news industry that could allow the U.S. tech giant’s news service to resume in the country, three sources close to the matter told Reuters.

????  AXIOS 美國新興數位新聞網站《AXIOS》(字源:希臘文「值得 Worthy」)|20210223

✅  How memes became a major vehicle for misinformation


For years, there’s been growing concern that deepfakes (doctored pictures and videos) would become truth’s greatest threat. Instead, memes have proven to be a more effective tool in spreading misinformation because they’re easier to produce and harder to moderate using artificial intelligence.

????  AXIOS 美國新興數位新聞網站《AXIOS》|20210223

✅  Pandemic drives nonprofit media boom

Covid-19 疫情大流行驅使非營利媒體蓬勃發展

A nonprofit consortium of nonprofit journalism organizations had a record 28% membership growth last year.

????  THE MEDIA NUT 美國新創電子報平台《Substack》的媒體產業電子報《The Media Nut》|20210224

✅  On the rise of media unions


Layoffs, diversity issues, pay disparity; there are so many inequities in media and if the best recourse is to form a union to make sure that those at the top, who benefit from those at the bottom, can’t wield their power against staff, I am not sure why a newsroom wouldn’t want to organize.
