
2021 年 07 月 09 日 | 媒大事


????  PinkNews 英國線上報《粉紅新聞》|20210706

✅  BBC finally apologises for airing ‘sickening’ homophobic hate on Arabic news channel

BBC 終為在阿拉伯新聞頻道上播放「令人作嘔的」恐同仇恨道歉

The BBC has apologised after repeatedly broadcasting “sickening” homophobic comments completely unchallenged on its Arabic news channel in 2020.

????  The New York Times 美國《紐約時報》|20210707

✅  USA Today will make readers pay for its website, joining other top news outlets. 


The paywall will extend to USA Today’s entire audience. But it will not cover all articles. Breaking news, particularly of a public-service nature, will remain free, Ms. Perez Wadsworth and Ms. Carroll said. The money from the paywall will help fund an already beefed-up investigations unit and visual journalism, they said.

????  LSE BLOGS 英國《倫敦政經學院部落格》|20210707

✅  Why is media literacy prominent in the UK’s draft Online Safety Bill 2021?

為什麼媒體素養在英國《2021 網路安全草案》中相當突顯重要?

It is worrying that the Bill contains no rationale for conjoining Ofcom’s regulation of internet services and provision for media literacy. Ten years ago, I argued that media literacy, though a vital force in the digital world, risks becoming the fall guy for the difficulties of internet governance in a society divided about the form such governance should take. When online harms arise in practice, it often seems easier to conclude that the public’s understanding and behaviour is at fault, rather than that of regulators or digital providers.

????  Media Manipulation Casebook 美國研究平台《媒體操弄事件簿》|20210708


學術界如何與記者交談的 13 個技巧!

A news hook is something that makes the story timely and relevant for readers. So, if your research is about supply chain dynamics, you may consider pegging the story to a holiday when there is increased shipping, or if your research is about geopolitical forces, peg your story to a political event. Make the case to the journalists for why what you are saying matters now.

????  The Observers 法國《法蘭西24:觀察者》|20210708

✅  Teacher in India builds treehouse classroom to ensure internet connection

印度教師建造樹屋教室 確保網路連結

‘I thought that maybe if I climbed a tree, I would get a better network’
