
2021 年 08 月 06 日 | 媒大事


????  MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW 美國《麻省理工科技評論》*|20210803

✅  The voices of women in tech are still being erased


TikTok’s decision to use a woman’s voice without her permission is only one recent example of a problem that some mistakenly think we’ve moved past.

*編註:《麻省理工科技評論》是由麻省理工學院於 1899 年創刊的雜誌。 它側重報導新興科技和創新商業,專注於科技的商業化和資本化。2011 年,在最佳科學/技術類別評選中獲得 Utne Reader 獨立新聞獎項。

????  REST OF WORLD 國際非營利新聞機構《海外》(報導全球科技新聞,記者團隊會說 20 種語言、來自 41 個國家,且在不斷增加中)|20210803

✅  How social media became a deadly trap for a minority group in Pakistan


If you’re one of four million Ahmadis in Pakistan, posting on Facebook can mean exposing yourself to danger.

????  BBC NEWS 英國廣播公司新聞|20210804

✅  Nearly a third of waking hours spent on TV and streaming, Ofcom says


UK adults spent nearly a third of their waking hours watching TV and online video content in 2020, according to a report from regulator Ofcom.

????  THE FINANCIAL TIMES 金融時報*|20210804

✅  Veteran journalist flees ‘white terror sweeping’ Hong Kong

資深記者逃離  「白色恐怖席捲」香港

Veteran Hong Kong broadcaster Steve Vines has fled the Chinese territory for the UK because of a “white terror sweeping” the city that was making journalism a high-risk occupation.


????  Canada’s National Observer 加拿大《國家觀察報》|20210804

✅  Why the words media use to describe climate change matter


Framing the terms of a debate is halfway to winning it. “Framing is about getting language that fits your worldview,” writes linguistics professor and Democratic adviser George Lakoff. “The ideas are primary — and the language evokes those ideas.”

????  Bloomberg 美國《彭博社》|20210805

✅  Investors Are Ignoring a Dangerous Crackdown on Press Freedom


With a crackdown on the world’s press comes a more challenging business landscape for investors. Restricted information flows can mask political and regulatory problems as well as potential fraud and corruption, raising the risks of doing business — particularly in more volatile emerging markets where good-quality information may already be scarce. ​
