
2021 年 12 月 31 日 | 媒大事


????  Journalism.co.uk  英國新聞媒體網站《Journalism.co.uk》|20211222

✅  A decade in data journalism: what has changed?


Two authors talk about the journey of data reporting from a novelty discipline to an established field of journalism.

????  Al Jazeera 卡達《半島電視台》|20211224

✅  Almost half of Afghan media closed since Taliban takeover: Survey


A survey by Reporters Without Borders and the Afghan Independent Journalists Association shows 60 percent of journalists are unemployed.

????  The Conversation  非營利媒體平台《對話》(2011年首創於澳洲,其後擴展至英、美、非洲、法、加、印尼、西班牙)|20211227

✅  What will 2022 bring in the way of misinformation on social media? 3 experts weigh in

三位專家來開講:2022 年在社群媒體上會帶來什麼錯誤資訊?

I expect the idea of misinformation will shift into an idea of propaganda in 2022, as suggested by sociologist and media scholar Francesca Tripodi in her forthcoming book, “The Propagandist’s Playbook.” Most misinformation is not the result of innocent misunderstanding. It’s the product of specific campaigns to advance a political or ideological agenda.

????  AXIOS 美國新興數位新聞網站《AXIOS》|20211229

✅  New era for local journalism


New, independent digital outlets and nonprofits have begun to fill some of the gap left by fading local newspapers. Limited resources and the pandemic have driven many toward providing community news, information and services rather than traditional accountability journalism.
