
2022 年 01 月 07 日 | 媒大事


????  AP NEWS 美國《聯合通訊社》(簡稱《美聯社》)|20211231

✅  Media reps say 45 reporters, staffers died at work in 2021

媒體代表 IFJ:2021 年有 45 名記者和媒體員工因公殉職

A total of 45 reporters and media workers were killed doing their jobs over the last year, the highest number among them in strife-torn Afghanistan, the world’s largest organization of journalists said Friday.

????  Study Hall  美國紐約媒體電子報《自習堂》|20220104

✅  Who Gets to Investigate? How Reporters of Color are Shut Out of Investigative Journalism


If investigative journalism keeps those in power accountable, then to whom is the media responding by restricting access to journalists of color?

????  AXIOS  美國新興數位新聞網站《AXIOS》|20220104

✅  News engagement fell off a cliff in 2021

2021 年新聞參與度墜崖式下降

With fewer singular storylines capturing America’s collective attention, news consumption was more scattered and diverted to sports.

????  The Journalist’s Resource  哈佛大學肖倫斯坦中心《記者資源》*|20220104

✅  Communicating complexity in an age of polarization: 3 tips from the UN’s Melissa Fleming

在兩極分化時代的溝通複雜性:來自聯合國全球傳播事務副秘書長梅麗莎·弗萊明的 3 條建議

Fleming explained there are people who may be beyond convincing when it comes to a particular topic. But it’s worth trying to reach the “conflicted middle” — those who are hesitant but not totally resistant to facts about public health findings, or the extent of humanitarian crises.

*編註:《記者資源》是哈佛大學甘迺迪學院肖倫斯坦媒體政治與公共政策研究中心(Shorenstein Center)底下的一個計劃網站

????  COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW 美國《哥倫比亞新聞評論》|20220105

✅  The long road to diversifying PBS


Despite these many concerted efforts throughout the decades, the available demographic data on PBS and its top member stations is troubling. As of April 15, 2021 PBS is 60 percent white at a company-wide level, and 72 percent white at the leadership level. WGBH, one of the largest PBS stations, released its 2020 diversity report which stated the station’s demographic as 80 percent white, and 88.9 percent white at the leadership level. 

????  REUTERS 《路透社》|20220105

✅  China drafts rules on security reviews for apps influencing public opinion

影響輿論的 Apps 列管!中國起草應用程式安全審查規則

The proposed rules would apply to “text, picture, voice, video and other information production”, as well as instant messaging, news dissemination, forum communities, livestreaming, and e-commerce, the regulator said.
