
2022 年 06 月 17 日 | 媒大事


✎ NPR 美國全國公共廣播電台|20220614

There are 2 ways the media covers mass shootings. Here’s why the difference matters

媒體以兩種手法報導槍擊案 這即是差異性至關重要的原因

On how people understand news differently when it’s more episodic and less thematic

✎ PressGazette 英國《新聞公報》|20220615

Trust and interest in news falls in UK with Sun, Mail and Mirror bottom of table

英人對新聞業的信任與感興趣程度下降 《太陽報》、《每日郵報》與《每日鏡報》排名墊底

Almost half (46%) of British people actively avoid reading the news as a result of fatigue at excessive Covid and political coverage and a drop in trust in journalism, a new report has found.

✎ Reuters 《路透社》|20220613

Spotify forms council to deal with harmful content


Spotify Technology on Monday announced it has formed a Safety Advisory Council to provide third-party input on issues such as hate speech, disinformation, extremism and online abuse.

✎ PressGazette 英國《新聞公報》|20220610

Ranked: The world’s top ten non-English digital news subscriptions


Chinese business and finance site Caixin has been named as the world’s largest news brand for digital subscriptions outside the US and UK.

✎ NIEMAN LAB 哈佛大學尼曼新聞基金會《尼曼新聞實驗室》|20220614

As traditional news use declines, online news isn’t making up the gap

傳統新聞媒體使用率下降 新興網路媒體卻沒有補上缺口 人們與新聞越來越脫節

The pandemic brought a bump in news consumption that now seems to be fading away, Oxford’s Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (RISJ) found in its 2022 Digital News Report, out this week. RISJ surveyed more than 90,000 people in 46 countries about their digital news consumption, and found evidence of a potential “leveling off” in the numbers of people who will pay for online news.

✎ Pew research center 美國皮尤研究中心|20220614

What do journalists think the news industry does best and worst?


In a recent survey, Center researchers asked nearly 12,000 U.S.-based journalists in a pair of open-ended questions to write down the one thing the news industry does the best job of these days and what it does worst. These responses were then categorized into one of nine broad categories.

✎ Rest of world 國際非營利新聞機構《海外》|20220614

Meet the fact-checkers decoding Sri Lanka’s meltdown


From protests to power cuts, Watchdog uses open source research to investigate Sri Lanka’s ongoing political and economic crisis.

✎ Global Investigative Journalism Network 非營利組織《全球深度報導網》|20220613

How Collaboration Enables Transcendent, World-Changing Journalism


We established from the beginning that there were no hierarchies among partners. Everyone had access to the same data and resources and everyone was expected to help one another and follow the same community guidelines whether you worked at the BBC, NPR, or the gutsy Tunisian outlet Inkyfada. There were no “fixers” in our team but reporting partners. The word fixer, in fact, was not tolerated. I hope we quickly agree that it should no longer have a place in journalism
